A trucking company's 10-year journey is a noteworthy accomplishment. Congratulations! Here are some suggestions for topics to cover in a reflection on your experience:

Key achievements: Consider the pivotal times in your professional career. This may be the day your company officially launched, the first truck you bought, or a particularly prosperous year. Think about these turning points and how they affected your company over time. Problems and lessons discovered Every business journey has its difficulties. Consider the challenges you've faced and overcome during the previous 10 years. What lessons did you take away from them, and how have they improved you as a business owner?

Mr. Himanshu Founder & CEO

Manage Trucking Permits

Trucking permits are managed by highly qualified team staff members.

DOT Clearinghouse

For the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse, registration is now open.

DOT Audit Support

We can support your documentation audits and make sure your trucks are road-safe.

Open New Trucking Company

There is no reason to travel. Give us a call, and we'll launch your new trucking business the same day.

ABOUT US Welcome To Tapservices

the biggest trucking permits business, serving more than 5000 customers nationwide over the last ten years.

Our reputable online presence is attracting new truck drivers and trucking firms. Our main objective is to give our clients every permission they require and take care of renewals so they don't have to. We wish to support every new truck driver with setting up their business and staying on track with the required exams and licenses.

Manage Trucking Permits
DOT Drug & Alcohol testing
DOT Audit Support
DOT Clearinghouse
Open New Trucking Company

Our Goodness What Makes Us Special

Manage Trucking Permits

The FMCSA, the Federal Carrier Motor Safety Administration, is in charge of issuing US DOT numbers. Commercial intrastate hazardous material carriers must also apply for a US DOT Number if they transport materials in quantities or in categories that need a safety permit.

DOT Clearinghouse

No motorist is required to register, however those who fall into one of the following categories must do so: To access your electronic data that has been stored in the clearinghouse.

DOT Audit Support

You have every right to be worried if you were given a "conditional" or "unsatisfactory" rating in a compliance assessment or failed a safety audit. After all, in order to finish your corrective action plan and preserve your company, you'll need to give the DOT very specific documentation that is written in their extremely difficult language.

Our Locations

110 +
Clients Worldwide

240 +
Owned Vehicles

Tonnes Transported

What Our Happy Customers Saying

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Trucking Permits Can Be Complex Let Us Help You With All Your Permits


Business / September 28, 2018

Freight Payment and Auditing Services

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Business / September 28, 2018

Freight Payment and Auditing Services

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Business / September 28, 2018

Freight Payment and Auditing Services

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