We offer these services around the country

  • Programmes for Drug and Alcohol Testing
  • Drug testing before hiring
  • Breath alcohol testing services
  • Randomised Post-Accident Testing
  • Observational Testing
  • Return-to-Duty
  • Training in DOT Reasonable Suspicion for Supervisors

Driver Qualification Management

Juggling paper or several providers is no more efficient than managing screening and file creation in one location. We screen and prepare compliant driver qualification files for all of your drivers using the data acquired through the application. Control MVR, the history of safety performance, medical certificates, and more.

The Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act was passed by the US government in 1991 for the sake of the transportation sector's safety. To increase the chances of their own safety and the safety of others, the DOT agencies instituted drug and alcohol testing for their safety-conscious staff.

Employees who provide transportation services for others are safety-sensitive, and if they use drugs or alcohol while working, they run the risk of endangering both themselves and numerous innocent bystanders who are travelling or walking nearby.

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Trucking Permits Can Be Complex Let Us Help You With All Your Permits